Pybites Podcast

#005 - 100 Days of Code Accountability Partners

December 30, 2020 Julian Sequeira & Bob Belderbos
#005 - 100 Days of Code Accountability Partners
Pybites Podcast
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Pybites Podcast
#005 - 100 Days of Code Accountability Partners
Dec 30, 2020
Julian Sequeira & Bob Belderbos

Marc Falzon and Anthony Lister are two passionate members of the PyBites Community and happen to be our first guests on the PyBites podcast!

In this episode we dive into Marc's journey on the 100 Days of Code Challenge and how Anthony became his incredibly valuable Accountability Partner.

Accountability is something we harp on about all the time so when we saw that Marc and Anthony were doing this we knew it was a story worth telling and diving into.

If you've ever thought of seeking out an Accountability Partner or wondered how having one even works, you'll want to listen to this.



Marc's digital footprint:

Anthony's digital footprint:

To speak with us about your Python journey and to be held accountable (hint hint!), book a call with us here:

If you're keen to kick off your own 100 Days of Code journey, check this out.

Show Notes Transcript

Marc Falzon and Anthony Lister are two passionate members of the PyBites Community and happen to be our first guests on the PyBites podcast!

In this episode we dive into Marc's journey on the 100 Days of Code Challenge and how Anthony became his incredibly valuable Accountability Partner.

Accountability is something we harp on about all the time so when we saw that Marc and Anthony were doing this we knew it was a story worth telling and diving into.

If you've ever thought of seeking out an Accountability Partner or wondered how having one even works, you'll want to listen to this.



Marc's digital footprint:

Anthony's digital footprint:

To speak with us about your Python journey and to be held accountable (hint hint!), book a call with us here:

If you're keen to kick off your own 100 Days of Code journey, check this out.

Welcome back to the Pyewites podcast. In today's episode, we talk with Mark Falzon and Anthony Lister about their 100 days of code challenge. So they check in daily about the code. Mark writes for a course he's doing, and Anthony reviews it, and both they learn a ton. We talk about how their accountability partnership started, how they keep the momentum, what's next, and overall, how this journey really helped them in learning Python. Hello and welcome to the Pibytes podcast, where we talk about Python career and mindset, where your hosts. I'm Julian Sequeira. And I am Bob Valdebos. If you're looking to improve your python, your career, and learn the mindset for success, this is the podcast for you. Let's get started. Mark, Anthony, welcome to the show. Bob's here as well. Thank you both for joining us here today. 2nd, 3rd last day of the year. Very excited to have you here. Hi, how are you? Thanks, Duluth. For anyone who doesn't know, Mark Falzon is one of our first guests and Anthony Lister as well. The two of them are wonderful community members of the Pyewytes community, and I had the pleasure of meeting both of them at Pycon Australia last year, and we've just maintained this fantastic friendship relationship, whatever you wanna call it, over our slack community, which is something we always go on about. And both of these guys are just doing amazing things with Python and their growth and pushing with learning python development. And it's been a wonderful journey to watch. And recently we've just come to know that Mark and Anthony are accountability partners again, something Bob and I have spoken about before, so we thought we'd ask them to come on the show as our very first guests. So we're super excited about this. Exciting, yeah. And tell us about this experience. Maybe you can introduce yourselves a little bit, who you are and what you do day to day. Mark, you go first. All right. So I'm a dad. I'm an IT guy. 20 years in it support, trying to move myself into a python role, so doing a lot of hobby work all around. Dungeon Dragons guy, you know, probably the coolest guy in the room. Thank you, Mark, for that. All right, Anthony, your turn. Tell us a bit about yourself. Hi there. Yeah, thanks for inviting me. My name is Anthony Lister. My background is in electronic and electrical engineering. Having sharpened my hardware and software engineering skills in the mobile cell phone industry in the late nineties. I guess Python, for me, is now a hobby, as I'm working more in a commercial and management, contractual and financial role. In aviation. So I guess I'm that bridge between the customer and engineering SME's lawyers and accountants working in the field of aviation services to do system design, contract and deliver conventional ground based navigation systems, data applications, and air traffic controller training. Really cool. Let's dive a little bit into the 100 days effort because we picked up on slack that you were doing it, or at least, mark, and that's where your accountability thing comes in. Do you want to tell us, Mark, then, a little bit about that 100 days effort and the goal and what inspired you to do it? Look, I guess it's the big thing that started out was just needing to push myself with code. As yourself and Julian both know, I've pushed myself a lot, and I struggle a bit trying to keep my focus and retain my focus. So I sort of dedicated myself to sort of push myself every day. And I created a list and made a list of all these things I wanted to achieve. And just every day I'd come home from work and go, right, what am I going to do today? And I'd write some code. Some days was probably not as good as others. Some days were probably 15 minutes due to family commitments, whereas other days I'd do half an hour to an hour of code. And about three weeks into me doing that, my wife suggested that she'd seen a course online for a handful of dollars, and I thought that would make my life a lot easier because it was full of projects every day. There was a little project to complete, there were capstone projects every couple of weeks, just sort of prove yourself of what you were doing. And I really just thought, you know what? That's going to be really great. And it kind of just pushed me into it. It's making me commit to something and, you know, trying to keep that accountability there. That's cool. And just to clarify, Mark, this is a course that guides you through the 100 days of code? Yes. So in the early stages, it will go through a concept of something in Python. So really early on, it's, what is a list? What is a number, what is a variable? And then builds up to how do you do something in total? How do you do something in Tkinter? What is object orientated programming? So, moving things into classes. So just for example, today was using Tkinter and an API to build a trivia bot. So just, it was really fun. It was just. And it was building on something where I'd done it earlier. It sort of builds on its own little projects, and I'm a little bit fearful is probably the word coming to mind, because I know in the next few days it gets. So most of the videos are about an hour long, and I know in about three or four days there's one video that's only six minutes for the day, and I know it's going to be, here's your project. Good luck with that. Because most days it'll go through and say, here's what we want to achieve, here's the solution. So when you get stuck on something, you've got that solution to help you out. And I know for the majority of the second half of the hundred days, it's all these six minute videos. Nice ramping up. Yeah, the level. Yeah, I can imagine that can be difficult to keep the motivation up sometimes, especially when you do 100 days in a row. So on that note, perfect segue to the accountability partner aspect of all this, which is something that helped Bob and I get through the 100 days of code when we did it. But I'm actually curious about this. So I'm going to ask you, Anthony, how did the two of you meet for this challenge? Like, how did you end up becoming Mark's accountability partner? So Mark and I met each other at the Pycon au in Sydney in 2019. I was. I think I'd gone to Sydney as a bit of a reward for my own, for having completed my own 100 days course with the pie bytes and the talk Python 100 days course there. And so I didn't know anybody. I just turned up and I'd been on the pibytes slack, and said, hey, julian, I'm going to Pycon, are you going too? He said, oh, yeah, I'm going. And there's going to be a few of those going from pibytes, too. So, yeah, I met up with Julian and Mark there. And, yeah, ever since that visit to Sydney, Mark and I have just kept on, kept in touch on slack and just been sharing code and project ideas and websites and that kind of thing. So when it comes to the 100 days of code, though, that mark's doing now, what made you, I guess, take it up and just say, you know what, I'm going to help. Sure. I remembered my 100 days marathon, and it was a no brainer to support Mark, in fact, and I'm sure Mark doesn't mind me saying this, but I've seen him take up project ideas and then put them to one side as a new and shiny thing came up. And 100 days really is a marathon done properly. And I just wanted to see him succeed with this project because I've definitely got benefit out of my hundred days. And knowing where Mark wanted to get with his python, this was the best thing that he could have done. Really nice. So how did that work day to day then, Mark, as you went through the challenge, technically, how would you check in? Was that over slack or how did it work? Yes. What I'm doing is I'm so even though the course does a lot of it in repl dot it, I've been doing everything through grid hub. So all of my code for each day is there, nicely organized into folders. So every day I will sit down at some point during the day, do my course, and as soon as I finish, I'll push everything through to GitHub and I message anth over slack and say, day x complete. There was one day, I think, where I didn't do the whole course because I got caught up on the things I said. Day, one day, whatever it was, here's how much I've done. I'll finish the next bit tomorrow, which was just the final bit of code, but yeah. So I sort of. Each day I tell him and in the more recent ones, which is where I'm starting to actually learn things with Tkinter and Turtle, I'll message and say I've done Dix. Here's some couple of things I learned here. A couple of things that I've done different to what the course did. And here are some challenges I had. Great. And do you then review his code as well or is it just the check in, like making sure he's on track and I'm a bit cheeky. I check his code, download his repo and update that. Yeah. Go through it. To be honest, I learned just as much as him going through it because I think it's a skill that I've not really, as a hobbyist kind of thing. I'm not really into reviewing other people's code. So for me this is a non threatening way of doing that and just asking for ideas and improvements, that kind of thing. What happens if he doesn't check in and a certain time a day. Are you hammering him? Well, we haven't got to that point really yet. We did it. Yeah. There was one day a couple of days ago where he met. I think I'd been busy because I had friends over during the day. I think it was Saturday or Sunday. No, it was boxing day. And I had friends come over because I'd done all housework in the

morning. They come over at midday. They didn't leave to about 06:

00. Then I had, you know, dinner with the family and kids. It's about seven

or 08:

00 at night. I've got this message from Anthony going, uh, what's going on? I don't have a check in today. Nice. Beautiful. And what's the punishment? Is there a punishment? Well, I haven't failed any yet. I managed to. Endless ribbing on slack. I'll go public. Nice. I love it. Well, hopefully there's no gaps there. So this is actually really cool. What I loved about that, Anthony, is that you've got that takeaway as well. I think a lot of people, when they think about accountability partners, they think, oh, geez, I'm going to be a mentor. I'm going to have to hold this person accountable. I'm getting nothing out of this. It's just a waste of my time or it's a dedication of my time where I get nothing in return. But I think a lot of people miss that point that you've made where you learn a heck of a lot by doing it, of you learn someone else's approach, you learn the technology or whatever it is that they're dealing with. So there's a lot to take away. So that's wicked. These are things. Do you reckon that you probably wouldn't have looked at or touched without this situation? Oh, totally. For me, yeah. Yeah. As I say, being a hobbyist, you don't get to review other people's codes so much in a, you know, in a constructive manner. So this is, this is perfect, right? Yeah, that's cool. And you know that you are a british guy looking over an australian guy's work. This is great. You know, kiwi, boom. Pretending to be a kiwi. All right. So one of the other things that comes up a lot when we talk accountability partners with people is they struggle to find them. One of the common questions we get is, how do I find an accountability partner? So I know you guys have touched on how you, too, connected with regards to Pycon, but, mark, I'll throw this one to you. So do you have any advice for people? And you both get this question. So, Mark, you go first. I think when I started, before anth jumped in and started doing my daily accountability, I think one thing I found was, I mean, the piebaites community, as you guys know, I'm pre active in slack. Unofficial greeter. Let's throw it out there. I've slacked off a bit. I know, I apologize. But, yeah, having that community, I think has been really cool. Seeing other people with their 100 days of code, other people going through the bytes and saying, oh, I've come up with this challenge. And seeing like 20 people jump in with a response, it kind of gave me the confidence to say, well, I'm going to do 100 days of code. And I think the first post I did was maybe at day ten. I think in the. In the Piebaites, I've really only did every 1015 days. I kind of group it, so I'm not there every day. But the support there was really good. You know, my first ten days, when I went, I've done ten days. Here's a couple of little things I've done. You know, there was probably about 20 to 30 people jumped in and went, dude, that's awesome. That's amazing. And that's not something I get anywhere else. So I think if you're looking for someone who really is going to help you out and keep you accountable, look to python communities or whatever you're coding him in. I mean, for me, it's PI bytes, but as much as I love PI bytes, it isn't the only community. There are dozens of them out there. And the coding community is really supportive. I've found more supportive than any other community I've ever been in. Cool. So did you share out a win, or was that a post in 100 days of code channel you have? I believe it was just a check in and win. Yeah. And I think I kept that out of the hundred days of code just because I wasn't doing the official 100 days of code. So I just kept it as a check in a win. I love to hear that you got so much engagement on that post. And I think it's also important to just share out a win or something as small as it can be. So I think a lot of people think like, nah, why share this? It's just a check in. It's not even a win, they think, but getting yourself out there, you give others the opportunity to chime in, and I think that's where it all started, right? Absolutely. And what about you, Anthony? Any advice on finding an accountability partner? For me, I chose to be accountable on Twitter. So for me, by posting updates on Twitter, I felt I was exposing my learning to others. And that was a bit nerve wracking at first, but on the whole, I guess strangers on social media are really quite supportive. Through Twitter and the pie bytes 100 days platform, I was updating, making a post every day, getting that green little box checked off each day in the PI bytes platform. And the calendar and then, yeah, I guess I recognized that a few people regularly became my tweet supporters, if you like, notwithstanding all of the 100 days of code Twitter bots that spam you back. And for that, yeah, perhaps I should give a shout out to the likes of Jo Ericsson and Andreas and Nissan for their regular support, because that's, you know, that was, I didn't know those people, but by posting screenshots of my work each day, they were commenting and, you know, feeding back, wishing me well, that kind of thing. So I love that. That's really cool. We love those guys as well, actually. I think that's to really drill into that anthem. The really good advice there is that if you go public like that, you don't necessarily need someone who you know well that you've met in person like you guys have at Pycon, just putting yourself out there, you complete strangers, you know, Jo and Andreas and stuff, they, they jump in and. And help out, and then you become friends, and it's really cool. So I think that's a really good point to make. Yep. And again, I want to just emphasize again, just get out there. Right. It's scary at first, but you set yourself up for a lot of opportunities and great everlasting contacts. So I wanted to ask about the momentum. How do you keep motivated? Because we've been following quite some people that were doing the 100 days, and typically around day 15, they go in all motivated and stoked and, yeah, I'm going to push this baby out, but then after two weeks, they just sink to the bottom. And it's very hard to. There's something magical or not magical happening around day 15 that they get demotivated and cannot keep the daily effort up. So I think, Mark, you have been pretty steady in all this, but if you hit a run, how do you get there? Look, and I would say, and you're right about that, day 15, because that's probably where I did start to struggle a little bit. And look, for me, my hardest thing has always been coming up with projects. I know projects are the way you come up with projects. You do these little things and they help you progress along. And I'm horrible at coming up with them. And that's why when I first started to sit down and do it on my own, I think I went into GitHub and created a project for myself and just created a whole bunch of ideas. I think I put, like 30 ideas in there, and some of them were way more ambitious than I was ever going to get to in the first 30 days, but they kind of helped drive me along, and it was a lot of little things I was doing. But, yeah, when I started flagging, that's when my wife had come along with this course and it kind of gave me that boost I really needed. And I think it's the fact that a, I know Anthony's gonna chase me up if I don't do something, but it's also, I know my wife's supporting my by suggesting I pay for stuff because I'm not the greatest paying for stuff. I'll go and watch 50 million youtubes before I. Before I pay for stuff, but once I've paid for something, that's it. I've got to do it. I can't let it go. But, yeah, I think knowing my wife's behind me and knowing aunts behind me, it progresses me along and it keeps me going every day now. Wow. I mean, I got Julian behind me, but if on top of that, I got the wife behind me, then fire, wind in the sails. All right, so the question I had for you, Anthony, was now, you mentioned the gamification of coding days in a row. I'm only throwing you this one because I know you've done the 100 days of code as well, but with momentum. So I know you can keep up the momentum because you did and completed the 100 days of code. But being an accountability partner for Mark, I mean, that's still a time investment for you. You've got the day job, you've got the family, the kids. So how do you keep up that motivation and momentum to keep doing this for Mark, including if you're doing things like code reviews. So how do you keep that up? Yeah, great question. I suppose it's just about setting aside some time, just in the same way that I let my family know that I was doing this 100 days of code at the time. They've now got into that. Well, I've now got into the habit of just spending an hour or two after work, just help sorting out some code sort of thing. And my family know that this is my focus time. This is my almost decompressing time from work. It allows me to do just a bit of fun stuff by Mark doing his 100 day like stuff. It's almost given me a kind of a syllabus to follow as well. That's brilliant. That's the. The same sort of approach that we. We push on anyone who wants to learn a new skill, right, carve out that. That learning time, that development time, every single day. So that's. That's really nice of you to. To be using that, you know, that golden time, that sacred time, you know, for people who are trying to grow and dedicating that to mark. So, nice one. I hope you got him a Christmas gift. I'll throw the next question to you, Mark. This whole experience with, with Anthony. Now, I'm not talking about the hundred days in particular, because I can imagine your learnings increased, you know, a hundredfold because of that. But when it comes to Anthony doing things like your code reviews and so on, how has this increased your learning? And what was one thing you didn't expect to come out of this? Well, I think there's a couple of things because especially lately, like in the last two, three weeks where we started getting into the harder stuff, and I know he's going and he's running the code and he's testing it, and he comes to me and says, oh, this didn't work. So, for example, there was one the other day, a Pomodoro timer, where if you just kept pressing start, it created this whole backlog of counters that all tried to count down at the same time. So that was a really good learning step. And I don't know if he's looked at today's code, but I've already gone ahead and fixed the problem very similar to that, that the course didn't look into because it doesn't take into account that users will just sit there clicking buttons. So I've gone ahead and I've forwarded this time to make sure that I've taken into account that learning. But between us, we also came up with a really interesting thing where the pillow package, using it with Tkinter, the images that work for me don't work on his Mac. And it's something we're now starting to have a conversation with, and we want to go look at the code at some point and say, well, what's wrong with Max that's so important to have other people looking at your code? Because not only the obvious python things, but they also will be running it in another environment. And we had this ourselves with the tips book shout out to Andrew, who ran our code and got some bugs. So it seems that that system works pretty well. What, are you still tweaking? Are you still improving in this approach, or would you do better? If you would do the challenge again, you can go first, Anthony. Okay, then. I think I'd write a better learning journal next time. What I've ended up is I've got a substantial repo of code from my 100 days that I still look through, but I wished I documented what I'd found difficult and my success is better, perhaps in a. And a private journal or even maybe a blog. This hundred days has got so many projects in with so much learning that I continually go back and reference and, yeah, without having to start from scratch, it's like I don't really remember the roadblocks that I encountered initially, which I'm sure I'm going to hit again if I tried to try to do it again from scratch kind of thing. Yeah, that would be my big takeaway. Awesome. And you, Mark? Yeah, look, he's making me feel bad now because I'm realizing I should be doing all of those things. Look, one of the little things I've been feeling is because the course will go back and use things from earlier. So one of them was writing a password manager in Tkinter, and there's a generate password button, and earlier in the course you do a console based password generator, but I couldn't remember what day I'd done it on, and I'm looking through days of code and I couldn't find it and I ended up just rewriting it all from scratch because I haven't been jotting down what I'm doing each day. I'm just progressing and learning as I go. And because I'm still in that early phase of. I've been playing around with Python for like two years now, so there's a lot of. I've done flask, I've done Django, I've done takinta, I've done all of these things, but now, because I'm doing them a much more structured approach, I'm not taking as much notice when I'm doing things sometimes, and I probably should be taking a lot more care with what I'm doing so I can reference them again later, maybe I should start writing a blog. We always recommend that not only for note taking, but also for teaching, because we notice when we have to write an article about it, you still have those blind spots, and that's where you can fix them and share it with others. But, yeah, great point about the documentation overall, because we struggle with this as well, because you're learning so much, but if you're not making consistent notes, it's very. You lose a lot of time getting stuff back. Right? Yeah, yeah. I remember your blog, Mark. Didn't you use that one? Yeah, I did it really well. When I was doing the Django work, I was very consistent for about six weeks. But yeah, look, I'm the first to admit I'm historically lazy. It's something I fight with my entire life. I probably should be doing a little bit more, even if it's just a paragraph each day. Here's something I learned, here's something I did different. And look, there has been some really great things because following the course, obviously they're doing it the old school way, like they're starting out easy. And there's one day she does like this big for loop of how to say, well, what's in this list but not in this list? And she does all this code and I'm like, but if you just make that a set and map that a set, you just go, set dot difference. Done. And she came back to it later and made it a list. Comprehension. I'm like, no, set dot difference. Do it that way. You know, little things that could be a blog post. It could be a blog post. Yeah. Like often if we don't write for a while, it's probably because we said, like blog post has to be a, b, c, d, e. But just that little code snippet paragraph could be a blog post and it will probably serve somebody. Yeah. And I think because I'm now getting to that point where they are getting that little bit trickier and I do have to think a little bit more about how to do stuff. I think writing that down is probably going to help me a bit more to remember some of this stuff. Yeah. And you now have, you know, a few hundred accountability partners and whoever's listening to this. So there you go. But they don't know my blog yet. They will in the show notes, we will link it below. Curses. Foiled again. Cursed you. No. That's awesome. And so, Anthony, I'll throw this one to you. I guess we've covered off the hundred days here, but as accountability partners, there are ways that you guys work together. You're clearly using GitHub, the time of day that you check in and expect to have results and so on. Is there anything there that you would change next time? I guess I'm trying to find out any sort of accountability partner type tips here for anyone who wants to either be one or seek one. Oh no, that's a hard question mark. If you could provide a requirements text file, a detailed readme file and a license, that'd be cool. Actually, the requirement text one is actually quite interesting because that is something we were talking about even yesterday because I'm now starting to do so. Even, even the pillow stuff. That's not actually part of the course. They're using the default to Kinta imaging stuff and that was what we found first, didn't work. So ants found a stack overflow post about this issue. They said go and use pillow. I'm like all right, cool. So I went learn how to do this bit of pillow and implemented that instead. So now each day when she does Tk image, I go and do all the pillow stuff instead, which still isn't working. But yeah, there was a thought of doing a requirements text for each day because just the packages I'm using aren't necessarily anything he's using. So I think that's it. I think the requirements of text is a good one. Do you think it helps that you guys are in the same time zone or almost same time zone, 2 hours apart? I do. I mean, obviously with anth being about 2 hours ahead of me, he's obviously thinking before he goes to bed to check in with me, which does give me a little bit more time than he would have. But well, thankfully I've been on holidays for the last week and a half and that's made it a bit easier because I can often knock it out before midday, whereas when I'm working, I'm doing it at sort of that five till six time period. But I think the close timeframe is easier. I think as much as I love Bob, I think if I was doing it with Bob it would be a little harder. He's often waking up, you know, well, after I finished, but yeah, I think there's got to be, there's got to be a similar time zone. It makes it easy because you can communicate more directly. Yeah, nice. I think that's fair and I think as well maybe, I think you touched on it there where it matches your style of when you get the work done. So if you're getting the work done in the morning before midday or by midday, then you could have someone outside of your time zone who wakes up at around midday, you know, so they, when they wake up they can see it. That's sort of how bob and I get our stuff done and how we've managed to get it working. We have a couple of hours crossover there where it works out well, but that's about it. Cool. And so last, last question for me. What happens after this challenge from as accountability partners? I mean, we know you're going to keep coding, but are you guys going to keep this up? Well, yes and no. So maybe not, maybe not in this sort of way, but anthony. I did just buy the same course. So there was in the pre Christmas, pre Christmas, post Christmas sales, there was an course about data analysis in Python and we've both bought it and we're going to do it together. Whether we started before my hundred days finishes or not is something we haven't really discussed. A lot of that will come down to his work, but yeah, we're going to do that together and that will be a dual accountability, I think. We haven't really worked out the details, but we'll both do bits each day and then cross check with each other each day as to what we're doing. And we may even set up some days where we can even pair code remotely. Yeah. Wow. Power programming. That will be fun. Yeah, it'd be interesting with the, the difference in time and space. Yeah, we're living in fortunate times where you can do all this with the tools we have. And on that note, have you guys considered maybe starting an open source project as well or still sticking to the course curriculum for now? I think every night mark and I talk about what projects we're going to do and yeah, it's an endless topic of conversation. It's like we just need some inspiration, some ideas. Yeah. Yeah. It comes back to what I said before. I really enjoy writing the code, but coming up with that concept of a project is the bit I really struggle with. And as much as I'd love to do an open source project, I kind of look at and go, oh, there's already one for that. Let's not do that. Oh, there's already one for that. But I'm starting to. It might be wonder if not the version of it, maybe I can do a better version at the moment. We haven't come to that yet. Okay. I think after this course that you guys are kicking off is done, there's your next task. How about we hold you accountable to that? Perfect community. Done through the community. I'll set a reminder. How long is that course? 100 days. We will checking in three months from now. About that, I don't think the data one actually has a timeframe, does it? It's not set out the same, funnily enough. Anthony, I were talking yesterday about the IoT satellites and the data and wanting to do something with those. It's just a case of finding the right IoT satellites and something to display on them. So to wrap it up then, any final advice to people considering tackling bigger projects? Yeah, don't try and do it alone. Seek help and just break it down into small chunks. And crucially, think about how the project might scale and prepare for that early on. That is, don't use one single great big flask file, for example. What about you, Mark? Yeah, look, for me, I've always had this one bit of advice. Every time I go to do something, it kicks in and it's the how to eat an elephant one bite at a time. Just pick at small things. You know, think. Think of the big thing, but then break it down and go for those small bits and build up your wall. You know, nobody puts a wall up. Just bang, here's a wall. Put the bricks down, put them together, and slowly it builds up. That's fantastic. One of the. One of the guys in our community, Reese, just said that on one of our calls a couple of weeks ago, so it's awesome. Right? I'm here I am, here I am thinking I'm unique. But he's british, he's Welsh, so I don't know. Sorry. Anyway, all right, so we'll wrap it up here, guys. Thank you so much for joining. What I will ask you is just if anyone wants to check you out, you know, have a follow, you have a look at where you are on the Internet. Where could they find you? Well, I am on Facebook, but that's generally a personal thing. I'm on LinkedIn. I have a GitHub profile. I have Twitter. Wouldn't say I use it, but the pie Bytes slack is a great place to catch me. As you guys know. I'm there, you know, 17 out of 24 hours a day. So easy to get a hold of me there. Yeah. Thank you. Both are easy to spot there. What about you? So, yeah, the power byte slack, of course, I'm on Twitter at anthlis. A n t h l I s, GitHub and LinkedIn. Cool. And we'll have those links to the guys profiles in the show notes. But, gentlemen, you were the first guests on the Pie Bytes podcast. So thank you so much for joining on this evening. While you're on holidays, we really appreciate your time and definitely inspired by you guys just jumping in and doing this accountability partner thing. Absolutely fantastic. Yeah, thanks for all these pieces of advice. Very valuable and, yeah, very inspiring. So really got itching fingers now to write some code and send it off to you, Julian. I can't wait. We can wait till January. Absolutely. My pleasure. So happy to be here and help you guys out. Thanks, guys. Anyway, it's been awesome. Cheers, guys. Take it easy. Thanks, Bob. Thanks for listening. So in this episode, we have spoken a lot about accountability and what we often find is is that learning python and software development, the technical part is only half of the issue. The other part is really the mindset and the persistence of sticking to a goal. So if you have an idea for a big project, you want to really take your python to the next level, build the next big thing, a passion project of your own, maybe even your business, or you want to land a software developer role, we can help you out. We can be your accountability partner. We can help you build that bigger project. So if you're interested, go to pibytes talk. That is Pibit es talk and book a call with us. We take 45 minutes out of our busy schedules and come talk with you about your career. What's holding you back from getting to that next level? And we give you some valuable advice and see if he can help you in any capacity. So let's chat.